

Panton panthers

This House has been named after the following member of the community:

Sr. Leona Panton grew up in Belize City, the second child of the Panton family. At that time the Panton family worshipped at the Anglican Church. Mrs. Panton, Sister’s mother, became ill and was in the hospital for several months. Influenced by the nuns who worked at the hospital, she later enrolled her children at Holy Redeemer Primary School. The Panton children then joined the Catholic faith. Sr. Leona left Belize for some time to pursue university studies. She holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in English and a Masters in Education with a focus on Secondary Administration. In 1969, Sr. Leona returned to Belize and was assigned to Muffles College in Orange Walk Town. From then on Sister has been of great service to our community. Sister Leona first came as a teacher but a year later she became the principal of Muffles College for seven years before returning to teaching and taking up the chair of the Muffles College Managing Committee. Influenced by her grandmother, Sister reestablished the Girl Guide Movement in the Orange Walk District. For several years she acted as Commissioner of Guiding in Orange Walk Town. Over the years the Movement grew from Brownie groups to Guide Companies and later Rangers. Sister Leona believes that Guiding challenges the girls to develop new skills and to serve their community. Sister has devoted much of her time to other youth activities as well. She was of great influence at the HelpAge Centre where she assisted in the planning and organisation of the daily activities. As a Sister of Mercy, she has dedicated much of her time to serve the poor, sick and uneducated. Sister Leona has been a great role model to the students of Muffles College.







Sports Director:

Assistant Sports Director:

Program Organizer:

Publicity Director: