

Torres toros

This House has been named after the following member of the community:

SSister Mary Consuelo Torres was born in 1923. She was the daughter of the late Julio and Valeria (Lopez) Torres. Sr. Consie, as she was commonly known, entered the Sisters of Mercy Order at Providence in 1947 and was professed in 1949. Sr. Consie earned her Bachelors Degree in Business Education at Byrant College and later earned her Master’s Degree at Boston University. After teaching two years at Augustine School, in Newport USA, Sr. Consie returned to her native Belize. She began her life-long teaching profession at St. Ignatius School in Belize City. She taught there for seven years, and then moved to Holy Redeemer School. Sr. Consie remained there for six years. From 1967 - 1975, she taught at St. Catherine’s Academy and later became principal of the institution. In 1975 Sr. Consie came to Orange Walk. She began teaching at Muffles College and remained there until 1984. She was treasurer of Muffles College. Sr. Consie returned to Belize City in 1984 and taught at St. John’s College Sixth Form up until 1987 when she reluctantly retired because of illness. She died at the Mercy Hospital Convent in New Orleans on October 25, 1991. She was buried in Belize City. Sr. Consie was an open and straightforward person, and she was gifted with the ability to empathize with people. She made an invaluable contribution to education here in Belize; her life was devoted to her students and to prisoners. She prepared several prisoners for the gallows. Her life and works are an inspiration to many. Her love for Christ gave her strength especially during the last and most painful moments of her life. Sister Mary Consuelo Torres R.S.M. contributed greatly to the educational system and her community, but one cannot forget her younger brother Mr. Uvaldemir Torres, Sr., better known as ‘Mimi’. One can say he followed in her footsteps. He devoted about thirty years of his life to the teaching profession. Mr. Mimi started teaching in 1954, the second year of Muffles College’s existence. In 1955 he became principal of Muffles College. He left this post in 1966 to further his studies in the United States of America. In 1969 he re-entered the teaching profession. He is a man of great knowledge. During his time as a teacher he taught subjects such as English, Spanish, Latin, Religion, Public Speaking, Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry and History. His knowledge was acquired through correspondence courses. He never majored in any particular subject. One could say he is “jack of all and master of all”. In 1986 Mr. Mimi retired. In his view it was time to give the young people the opportunity to teach. His love for teaching brought him back in 1987. In 1990 he once again resigned. For a number of years he was the CXC Spanish Orals Examiner for Muffles College and Technical High School.

Moderator: Ms. Marissa Novelo and Ms. Xenia Morales


Captain: Delbert Gonzalez

Vice-Captain: Shanidy Torres

Secretary: Damari Najarro

Treasurer: Darlene Escalante

Sports Director: Jeronimo Pech

Assistant Sports Director: NA

Program Organizer:NA

Publicity Director: Jasmine Brodhurst


2018 - 2019

1 Argalles Joanna

2 Baptist Dedron

3 Brodhurst Jasmine

4 Cabrera Josue

5 Can Lisa

6 Chi Marvin  

7 Cob Thalia 

8 Escalante Darlene

9 Garcia Manuelita 

10 Gomez Cesar 

11 Gomez Delmy

12 Gonzalez Delbert

13 Jimenez Adir

14 Juchim Eithel 

15 Leiva Kianna

16 Moralez Gesenia

17 Najarro Damari  

18 Novelo Briannie

19 Pacheco Britney

20 Pech Jeronimo

21 Puck Uzzeil

22 Rhaburn Brandon

23 Rivas Janae 

24 Salazar Elisha 

25 Torres Shanidy

26 Vasquez Kelvin 

27 Vasquez Maisy

28 Villanueva Loriany

2019 - 2020

1 Adolphus Andrew 

2 Ayuso Zeidy 

3 Bochub Joe 

4 Boll Lizett 

5 Canul Leanie 

6 Chi Isis 

7 Cordova Elias

8 Diaz Julia 

9 Fabro Ian 

10 Flowers Shaylee 

11 Gonzalez Lorely 

12 Hill Ernest 

13 Melendez Abraham 

14 Nas Chantal 

15 Osorio Anthony 

16 Robles Sulmi 

17 Romero Elisa 

18 Sabido Alejandro 

19 Torres Kerwin